Coconino High School has just completed their consultancy and they are on track to submit their application for authorization on October 1st!
Florence High School MYP teachers are now trained and meeting with their counterparts at Anthem K8 to engage in vertical alignment. Teachers are excited about bringing MYP to Florence and 100% on board with IB in general!
Anasazi Elementary School is a PYP candidate school, which will complete the continuum for SUSD-age 3 through DO! They completed Category 1 training three days before school began from the this year.
Mountainside Middle School (another candidate school!) are transitioning to MYP assessments with task specific student-friendly rubrics.
Nogales High School had 8 0f 14 students receive the Bilingual Diploma in May 2019, with three of their grads going to Notre Dame and one to Stanford. They continue to increase their participants and the new prinicipal is highly motivated about IB and willing to help increase their enrollment. Their IB Business SL scores were all above 3s!
Westwood High School History of the Americas (HOTA) juniors competed in National History Day; two students won State adn went on to Nationals in Washington, D.C. last June.
Sinagua Middle School MYP received a grant from Arizona Community Foundation to help with community service projects. They have $28,700 to help train teachers to support the 8th graders work.
Willow Canyon High School has added Psychology HL, Physics HL, Dance HL, and Theatre HL. Additionall, since January, they have trained 11 of their DP teachers in person.
Millenium High School is very excited about their new Extended Essay process on campu. They have quarterly meetings with the DP students and supervisors to discuss and rubric the scaffolded assignments that lead up to the rough draft of the final essay. This process has increased communication, provided incremental supprot and established universal pacing and expectations.
Tempe Academy of International Studies has an IB 101 class for 6th graders new to IB. Students are given specific content knowledge centered on their development of learner profile skills and ATL skills. Students develop games to educate their families to build a solid community of IB.
Desert Mountain High School had 83% of their students earn the IB Diploma!
Ironwood High School's Class of 2019 had a Flinn Scholar! Their Class of 2020 had a perfect ACT score. IB studnets are helping the Athletic Director by volunterring to clearn up the stadium after all home football games.
Verde Valley School had a recent IB DP grade (now a successful businesswoman) give them their largest gift to date. 3 million dollars to help them make their school even better!
Anthem K-8 implemented a wall-to-wall of MYP 6th-8th graders, and all but three of their teachers have been to IB training.
Kyrene Middle School is now authorized after 2 years of hard work (also 9 recommendations!)
Odyssey Institute is proud that all of their 2019 DP candidates received an IB Diploma. Their overall scores have improved by 4.6% and they had a 19% growth in tests taken from 2018-2019.
Westwood High School DP is proud od Naomi Sellers, a 2019 AZIBS DP Student of the Year!
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