Arizona International Baccalaureate Schools

Archived Headlines

  • Well done Anthem MYP students!  These dedicated students raised funds and collected donations for the Pinal County Animal Shelter and the American Cancer Society for their service-learning projects. The students were able to donate over $1000 and more than 20 large yard bags filled with donation items. We are very proud of their accomplishments and willingness to help others!
  • Congratulations! Barry Goldwater High students were recently recognized for their Giving Closet for providing resources for school and community. Sensational! 
  • This is amazing! Willow Canyon has recently added two new IB programs, the MYP and the CP, along with two new coordinators, Wendy Goetschius for the MYP and Nick Ellis for the CP. AZIBS welcomes you and we look forward to working with you!
  • Dr. Davis put on an amazing night of community building for all IB program students a couple of weeks ago, that just has to be shared. The students from the MYP, CP and DP programs at Westwood High gathered at Starfighter Arcade in Mesa for a night of fun as they rocked out, played classic video games and danced the night away together. Events like these showcase the excellent mindset and focus of our leaders. Way to go Dr. Davis!
  • There is exponential growth and excitement at Cholla High School!  They have grown from 4 DP Candidates to 19 DP Candidates! You are amazing and going strong!
  • The Cactus Shadows IB Class of 2023 achieved a 100% pass rate on the diploma. Now that is truly exceptional! Congratulations to your students and staff!
  • Way to go Desert Mountain, who has a whopping 57 Anticipated Diploma Program Candidates!
  • Congratulations on a job well done to Anasazi Elementary School who became an authorized PYP school in February of this year! We know you are going to be a great IB school!
  • At Puente de Hózhó Elementary School, in the Flagstaff School District, a few families came together with IB educators to create a community garden featuring native plants. They helped integrate information from the project into classroom units and continued the collaboration with K-3 classes and their art teacher.  The project was a resounding success and they now have future plans for more partnered projects around the school! What an amazing success! 
  • Hats off to Patterson Elementary School who has successfully created a mixed mentorship program through the formation of what they call PRIDES (their mascot is a panther). The purpose of this program is to provide each student with monthly opportunities to build relationships with another trusted adult on campus, along with students of all ages through activities aligned with the beliefs and values of the IB. Students stay with their pride leader and community for the duration of their time at Patterson. Wow, that's impressive work!
  • Desert Mountain High School IB students, with support from the entire community, will be staging “High School Musical” at their school.  We look forward to hearing the rave reviews! AWESOME!
  • Verde Valley School’s Caleb Kulfan, is the AZ IB Program Teacher of the Year! Congratulations, Caleb! His students already know how amazing he is, but now it's official!
  • At Quail Run Elementary in the Paradise Valley School District, a risk-taking group of 5th graders decided to take action by creating a student newspaper which has also sparked the development of an amazing new club at QRES. Theirwork is certainly going to leave a lasting impression on their school! Well done!
  • Madison Meadows Art students created art inspired by the iconic hibiscus flower in an effort to fundraise for The Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation after the devastating wildfires in Maui. Madison Meadows raised $2,000 during the Maui fundraiser to support Maui public schools. We are so proud of your efforts! You are amazing, Madison Meadows!
  • Kudos to Madison Simis who just completed its IB evaluation! It was a Simis staff put ina great deal of effort into the self study and PDP. An added bonus was how helpful and knowledgeable the site visitors were ! 
  • Congratulations to Barry Goldwater High School as one of their Diploma Program students received the Phoenix Outstanding Student of the Year Scholarship. What an amazing accomplishment!
  • Way to go, to Carson MYP students for learning the IB Learner Profiles in order to better understand themselves and have better communication within the community!  Also be sure to check out Carson's Facebook
  • Kyrene Middle School MYP hosted an International Festival during which roughly 800 community members were in attendance. Great job supporting your community!
  • All of our teachers have at least one UOI written and loaded into Toddle. Two grade levels have all six units written and loaded into Toddle
  • The Westwood Model UN Team (run by their IB MYP students) recently returned from a successful MUN conference in Madrid, Spain that was hosted by a sister IB school (SEK) where they collaborated with fellow IB students on problem solving international issues. What an amazing and unforgetable experience for all!
  • Congratulations to Desert Mountain HS Alexa White & Morgan Taylor’s CAS project - staging a full production of CLUE The Musical - raised $3000 for charity. WOW!  That is pretty impressive!
  • Kudos goes out to Kyrene Middle School who is hosting their second annual International Festival on March 31!! WELL DONE, Kyrene!
  • The MYP program at Mesa Academy is completing a community project today, where students created solutions to community problems and then will be presenting those solutions to various community members (including the mayor of Mesa). Teachers, Rachael Brown and Bonny Hayward, did such a great job building interest, and the students have invested a lot of time and effort into their projects. Congratuations, Mesa Academy on such an awesome project!
  • Congratulations to the Nogales High School IB 20th Century class who just finished producing the first half of their movie, Pancho Villa, which will be shown at the local theater once completed. Looking for some Oscars!!
  • Westwood's MYP year 5 history students are teaming up with the Arizona Museum of Natural History to host an open house at the Mesa Grande Cultural Park (a Hohokam Native American archeological site in Mesa) on Feb. 11. They are portraying historical figures (in first person) that helped preserve the site over the last 200 years. What a wonderful project! Well done!
  • Hats off to Verde Valley School who packs weekend meals in backpacks for hungry kids in local elementary and middle schools every week. VVS is committed to end local hunger in the Verde Valley. Congratulations to all involved for recognizing, and acting on, such a need within your community!
  • Cactus Shadow DP Student created promotional material about the AZ Water Crisis for the Sierra Club (now posted on their website) as part of their Global Politics IA. AWESOME JOB! Sierra Club What Can You Do
  • Carson Jr. High's ELA and Individuals and Societies class created a very fun and challenging cross curricular instructional unit that motivated students to want to know more. It really created a hunger for more about the topic. Great job!
  • Kudos to Barry Goldwater High School Young Women's Scholar Club who are working to fund female menstrual product dispensers in all public women's restrooms.
  • Congratulations to Chandler High School who will be adding 4 new IB courses to their curriculum next school year. You rock!
  • Madison Meadows Middle School's IB Project Design class made sustainable birdhouses and are exploring the option of a field trip to Arcosanti. Nicely done, Madison!
  • Estrella Foothills Global Academy will be receiving their IB verification visit on September 26th and 27th for authorization!! Congratulations for all your hard work!
  • Mr. Flemons hosted a wonderful tour of North HS IB DP program for Claire, MYP Coordinator from Madison Meadows & Megan, Madison Meadows art teacher - thank you Mr. Flemons! Madison Meadows looks forward to collaborating with you again in the future.
  • The Learner Profile Mural in the hallway to our DPC office at Canyon del Oro HS is complete. It was a DP CAS project. Great job to all who helped make this so beautiful and special!
  • Westwood High School DP program  has a club called IB Mentors where the juniors and seniors of our IB program reach out to our freshman and sophomores to help them feel welcome and guide them through their first two years.  Kelley Dooley (DP Psychology teacher) has mentored the mentors into a well oiled machine.  Well done student and staff!
  • Gilbert High School is proud to announce that we are now a Career Program Candidate School. 
  • Barry Goldwater High School's Full Diploma Senior, Ronald Xu, has been accepted into the Mayor's Youth Advisory Commission for Glendale. Congratulations on an outstanding job Ronald!
  • Verde Valley School has earned a 100% IB diploma pass rate for three years in a row! #verdevalleyschool #IB  Well done!  What an amazing accomplishment for all involved!
  • Cactus Shadows High School IB Seniors are organizing and hosting a Governing Board Candidate Forum later this month for candidates for the two open seats on the Cave Creek School Board.  How awesome that these students are actively involved in their community!
  • Nogales High School has 15/20 IB Diploma recipients, and their first perfect score of 7 on an end of course IB Chem test!!!   And their  IB teachers have attended the IB Global conference for the past 5 years.  WELL DONE students and staff!
  • Desert Mountain HS had 41/48 (85%) students earn their IB diploma. Congratulations and great job students and staff!
  • All three of the programmes of the IB Continuum in SUSD presented about what we do and how our programmes compliment each other to our School Governing Board. What an awesome opportunity for everyone involved!  Congratulations on a job well done!
  • Cathy Ball of Carson Junior High, the school's librarian, has taken it upon herself to make sure that the media center ris reflective of IB.  She was the first one on campus to have her work area/room decorated with IB materials. Thank you and nicely done Cathy!
  • Our MYP program at GAP has grown so much from students sharing their IB experience with friends and family members. Students are advocating for their education and it’s absolutely beautiful!!!
  • Awesome job and kudos to Madison Simis who participated in the AZ IB day of service! They collected 20 boxes full of books during their book drive and then every student made encouraging bookmarks to go inside each of the books. The books were then donated to another school who was in need of books in order to help build a school library and to encourage reading! Well done, students and staff!
  • Big congratulations to Barry Goldwater High School! They have TWO FLINN Scholars, which is is a very selective scholarship for Arizona students! Just having one Flinn Scholar is wonderful, but TWO is amazing! Congratularions to these students and their families!
  • Great job, Global Academy of Phoenix! They completed two IB verification visits this year, which resulted in the authorization of both their MYP and PYP programs! These visits take a great deal of hard work and preparation! Well done!
  • Congratulations to North Canyon High School who had TWO of their IB Juniors selected as QuestBridge College Prep Scholars! Quite an accomplishment considering there was a pool of 13,000 very accomplished applicants! Well done, North Canyon!
  • Cactus Shadows High School recently increased the number of students enrolled in IB classes by 300%. That's right...300%. That is nothing short of amazing! You must be doing something very right! Congratuations!
  • Good job, Westwood students! They participated in the IB Day of Service by doing a campus cleanup and making a trip to Feed My Starving Children. You should feel good about how you contributed to your community!
  • Desert Mountain High School now has a new school sign that has the IB logo with it. They are proud of you and it shows!
  • Thank you for the fantastic effort by Florence High School teachers Jeana Kyle, Aubrey Smith, Stephanie Carver, and Kate Allen to get their students ready for the IB end of year exams! Well done!
  • Madison Meadows Middle MYP art students should feel good about their work! They made sunflower art and sold it to raise money for refugees from Ukraine. They were able to donate $2,000 to the International Rescue Committee (IRC). We are proud of you and your international spirit!
  • Quail Run's 6th graders have been working on action as part of their Exhibition projects. One of their groups has been researching education and literacy. They have created a Little Library to be placed in the front of our school so that all children may benefit. They were excited to make this happen for their campus! We are all proud of you!
  • Carson Junior High, in Mesa, AZ, has been selected to be a partnership IB program with Westwood High School. Go Cougars! Under the leadership of Dr Elmer the school will go far! Congratularions on this new partnership!
  • Empty Bowls is a movement by artists around the world to care for and feed the hungry in their communities. At Madison Meadows, Ms. Tracy's ceramics classes and ceramics club are making pinch pots for the Empty Bowls project. They will sell the bowls on November 19th, at the Madison Meadows Fall Festival and also at a Berry Best Acai restaurant. All funds raised will go to Empty Bowls to help feed people in need in the Phoenix area.
  • Kudos to Florence High School's Kate Allen, Jeana Kyle, Stephanie Carver, and Aubrey Smith: DP teachers for Chemistry, English, Math, and Art who have also taken on, in addition to their already significant load, MYP classes in their respective subjects, due to staffing shortages. They rock!
  • Congratulations to Melody Hodges and the staff at the Global Academy of Phoenix as they are MYP authorized and scheduled for their PYP verification visit! And their 8th grade IB students are moving and grooving forward with their community projects! Well done!
  • Well done and congratulations to Verde Valley School! Their students achieved a 100% IB Diploma pass rate for 2021 school year, which is the second year in a row for these amazing students! #verdevalleyschool #IBDP #goVVS
  • Chandler High School IB students have organized, and are implementing, an amazing IB Day of Service! These wonderful students are building community and honoring the need to support our neighbors and community! Outstanding!
  • The now world famous, Mariachi program from Kyrene Middle School, was at it again. They played at the Tempe 150 year celebration and thrilled their audience. The IB community is very proud of you!
  • Students held their TOK Exhibition last night-one of our first major assessments as a DP program. They did great!
  • Desert Mountain High School registered 113 juniors and seniors for the Diploma exams in May. Way to go DMHS!
  • Congratulations to Kate Harrison and Mountainside Middle School IB students for raising over $500 through penny wars which was put on by their Student Government. The money was then donated to the school district community specialist, to use for families in need in the area.
  • EduPrize IB program together with the CAS coordinator decided to piggyback on Chandler High's idea of an IB Day of service and are involved in service projects around their school and community! Awesome job!
  • Westwood's IB lead MUN Club (Model UN Club) successfully hosed 12 schools and over 300 students in their 6th annual instructional Model UN conference. This is the only high school-hosted conference in Arizona. That's the way to do it, Westwood!
  • Congratulations to Jake Davis and Westwood High School who just hosted their 13th annual IB Leadership Institute, their largest ever, with close to 400 IB students traveling to ASU for a Leadership Event with their IB Peers. It was an exciting day of teaching and learning for sure!
  • Desert Mountain's IBSA (International Baccalaureate Student Association) exceeded for the first time 150 ACTIVE members; hosting a variety of actvities, including an IB Ball, International Day, kickball, dodgeball, and other activities that help further foster community!
  • Hats off to Florence High School IB teachers for their amazing efforts in preparing their students for the May IB exams!
  • Sincere thanks and congratulations to a MYP student at Kyrene Middle School for starting a GoFundMe account for a teacher who was in need of new hearing aids that insurance would not cover. A total of $6,500 was generated ensuring that the teacher was able to get the much needed hearing aides. Well done, Kyrene! 
  • Westwood IB Students rocked it again this eyar by receiving 5, that is 5, AZIBS student of the year awards! Amazing students doing amazing things to support their school and community.
  • Global Academy of Phoenix has been working hard to prepare for their upcoming verification visit from IBO, and they are READY TO SHINE! Good luck to all and congratulations on all your hard work!
  • KUDOS to Cactus Shadows IB Diploma Candidates! 100% of these amazing students scored high enough to earn the covetted IB Diploma in 2021! This is truly an accomplishment and we send big congratulations to all the students and staff as well. GREAT JOB!
  • Quail Run, a PYP program in PVUSD has some incredibly talented students who tap into their creativity to entertain and inform their school each day through their announcements. They cover important events, and include a joke of the day, which delights all and starts the day on a positive note. We are proud you are at Quail Run and part of the IB PYP program!
  • Summit Academy is so proud of our Abby earning MYP student of the year. As an online learner she demonstrated all of the learner profile traits. She is amazing. CONGRATULATIONS Abby!
  • KUDOS to North High School IB Diploma Candidates! 94% of these amazing students scored high enough to earn the coveted IB Diploma in 2021! This is truly an accomplishment and we send big congratulations to all the students and staff as well. GREAT JOB!
  • Willow Canyon High School is proud to annouce that ALL of their IB teachers will have received IB training by the end of December, including their Head of School! The importance of IB training cannot be overstated and we are proud that Willow Canyon has made it a priority!
  • Madison Meadows MYP program has added American Sign Language to the Language Acquisition Program. Congratulations Madison Meadows!
  • The Odyssey Institute for Advanced and International Studies teachers gave up a chunk of their summer, and took advantage of voluntary MYP training. This is another great example of the passion that IB teachers have for their program and students!
  • Mountainside Middle School is sending 8 educators to IB MYP training workshops between now and September!
  • Florence High School and Anthem K-8 are gearing up for our May 10-12 authorization vitrual visit! 
  • One of Chandler High School's IB Career students brought a program called, Letters for Rose, to our campus that writes personalized letters to seniors in local care facilities. We have our 40 members now and have been highlighted both state-wide and nationally. 
  • Verde Valley School is feeding hungry children, providing backpacks filled with food for weekends for school kids and families in need. Working with Verde Valley Neighborhood Food Project VVS has provided almost a thousand food bags this year! 
  • Despite half of our students being remote learners, the Westwood MYP has successfully planned and executed the Personal Project Exhibition. 
  • Westwood MYP has 60 IB seniors this years who made it through the year and completed all of their IA's to remain eligible IB Diploma Candidates! 
  • Students at Madison SIMIS are getting creative and taking action! Even though this year has not been easy, our 4th grade students are still completing their Exhibition. They will be presenting their passion projects virtually the week of May 10th! 
  • Madison Meadows 8th graders have presented their Community Projects to 5th-7th graders. We had 112 different projects this year! Topics included: feeding the homeless, helping the elderly with technology (apps and sites), helping hospitalized children smile, protecting vulnerable communities from COVID-19, donating sports equipment, developing websites to teach about recycling, gaming problems, tips to stay fit, cleaning up neighborhoods, parks & canals, and spreading kindness through art. 
  • Mountainside Middle School is now an IB MYP World School!
  • Desert Mountain passed its 5-year review with flying colors! Desert Mountain High School and Mountainside Middle School were fully authorized IB MYP Programs in late October. 
  • Florence High School and Anthem K-8 are planning to submit their MYP application in December. 
  • Quail Run Elementary is so pleased with the actions parents and teachers are sharing about their students! Great connections are being made to the attributes of the Learner Profile.
  • Chandler High School had an IB teacher receive AZ Teacher of the Year.
  • 72 Ironwood students will test in May; 13 DP candidates are working diligently to complete the CORE elements.
  • Westwood High School had two IB seniors selected as DP Students of the Year. Congratulations to Bryce Wilson and Marcella Alexander.
  • Mountain View Prep teachers have participated in three IB Online courses since September. They were able to take advantage of the virtual workshops that IB offered due to COVID 19 closures and save quite a bit of money getting teachers trained.
  • Global Academy of Phoenix teachers and students have been working on a brilliant agriPV unit in collaboration with ASU. They will build a solar pavilion on campus to extend this learning.
  • Westwood High School Model UN club (run by IB students) successfully hosted 11 schools for a virtual conference on October 31st. 
  • Global Academy of Phoenix students are constantly referring to the LPAs and relating to them with our current distance learning situation.
  • The AZIBS organization is committed to continuous reflection, positive collaboration and have modeled grace and understanding during this challenging time! Kelsey Day thanks to you.
  • Coconino High School is in its inaugural year as an IB DP World School and it's going great!
  • Madison Meadows Middle School teachers have persevered and provided authentic learning experiences while adapting to their new online environment.

  • Florence High School had May 2020 IA scores come back higher than years past; everybody is happy!

  • Cactus Shadows High School Seniors organized a mask drive for the Navajo Nation.

  • Gilbert High School is now an authorized Diploma Program school! Congratulations!

  • Nogales High School earned three extra diplomas after scores were revised. All IB teachers completed online workshops in August/September and their IB Biology teacher earned Teacher of the Year.

  • North High School was pleased to lose only two students from their DP program in the current environment. 

  • Estrella Foothills Global Academy is a brand-new school in the Laveen School District. Welcome!

  • Global Academy of Phoenix welcomed six new teachers (and doubled their size!) this year and have achieved IB certification.

  • Kyrene Middle School students have been involved in the community promoting racial justice. 

  • Sinagua Middle School is beginning the IB authorization process. Good luck!

  • Estrella Mountain Elementary School MYP teachers carried out the 8th grade commuity service project vitrually last spring and have over 70 students participate and present!

  • Westwood High School teacher Katie Reddy (MYP and DP) won the Gilder Leirman Arizona Teacher of the Year.

  • Quail Run Elementary School's 4th grade teacher Sarah Elkus was awarded PYP Teacher of the Year 2020.

  • Ironwood High School Senior Gabe Martineau was accepted to Wake Forest University in North Carolina!

  • Madison Simis is proud of their school social worker. She is working hard to blend the IB learner profile and the new social and emotional learning.

  • North Canyon High School IB student Abin Khan has been accepted to Harvard. He was also recognized at a recent PXU Board Meeting.
  • Mountain View Prepartory is expanding their student led conferences to include more of their commuity. They have transformed student led conferences into an academic showcase. Students presented summative projects in the gym and classrooms and all families were invited to attend. They had a great turn-out and families were impressed with their community of leaders. 
  • Eduprize High School has begun offering classes in Mandarin and will beign offering IB Mandarin in 2021.
  • Mountainside Middle School received a great consultant's report and they are on to their AFA!
  • Kyrene Middle School teamed up with a local cosmetologist for Service Learning. The cosmetologist worked with Coordinators and Counselors to create "Cosmetology 101"- an incentive program for disadvantaged adolescents. They learn skills and then give back in the form of volunteering in salons. All instructors and materials were donated by area stylists.
  • Madision Simis will be highlighting and celebrating various cultures from around the world at their school during the week of February 10th. Each grade level makes connections to their IB units. One of their teachers also teaches Flamenco dancing, so he will put on an assembly. They will have a culminating celebration on February 14th with a Culture Day- parents and community members sharing their cultures with our students in the courtyard. 
  • Ironwood High School senior Cayden Luby  presented at the Sheirmer Art Center. She not oly won an award, but also sold all of her art work! Cayden will be attending Stanford University on a full scholarship next fall.
  • Westwood High School just submitted their CP application for authorization and will receive their site visit on March 30th!
  • Coconino High School just completed their verification visit two weeks ago!
  • Canyon del Oro High School IB Chemistry teacher Jill Christman was named Arizona Science Teacher of the Year!
  • Verde Valley School is proud to announce that they will host the ISEEN- Independent Schools Experiential Education Network- winter institute in January 2021 on their beautiful campus.
  • Norterra Canyon K-8 School is a newly authorized IB MYP school in the Deer Valley School District. 
  • Global Academy of Phoenix MYP team is collaborating with ASU and AZ Sustainability Alliance on an Agri PV project. Students built food computers to manipulate growing conditions and will be planting a "Global Garden" along with designing and building mobile PV racks!
  • Global Academy of Phoenix recently had their first consultant visit and they are on track for authorization!
  • Quail Run Elementary sold 150 packages of socks to support a WASH (Water, Sanitation, Health) project at a partner school in the developing world. This will be 1/4 of a well for a school!
  • Estrella Mountain MYP 7th and 8th graders presented a Leadership Day where 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students were grouped and rotated through classrooms where teambuilding activities were lead by MYP students. 
  • Westwood High School just received approval to move on to the application for authorization after successfully completing the application for candidacy for their CP program.
  • Madision Simis 4th grade girls have taken action in a special way! They have been using their morning recess time twice a week to read and play games with students with disabilities in SPED classes.
  • Ironwood High School IB students volunteered to elp the Athletic Director keep the football field clean after football games. They have done so all season and have had a great time completing this selfless service. 
  • Summit Academy has once again earned a letter grade "A" from the state of Arizona!
  • Mountainside Middle School has completed their consultation visit and the results were extremely favorable. The consultant said that she had to look hard for improvement recommendations
  • Coconino High School has just completed their consultancy and they are on track to submit their application for authorization on October 1st!

  • Florence High School MYP teachers are now trained and meeting with their counterparts at Anthem K8 to engage in vertical alignment. Teachers are excited about bringing MYP to Florence and 100% on board with IB in general!

  • Anasazi Elementary School is a PYP candidate school, which will complete the continuum for SUSD-age 3 through DO! They completed Category 1 training three days before school began from the this year. 

  • Mountainside Middle School (another candidate school!) are transitioning to MYP assessments with task specific student-friendly rubrics.

  • Nogales High School had 8 0f 14 students receive the Bilingual Diploma in May 2019, with three of their grads going to Notre Dame and one to Stanford. They continue to increase their participants and the new prinicipal is highly motivated about IB and willing to help increase their enrollment. Their IB Business SL scores were all above 3s!

  • Westwood High School History of the Americas (HOTA) juniors competed in National History Day; two students won State adn went on to Nationals in Washington, D.C. last June.

  • Sinagua Middle School MYP received a grant from Arizona Community Foundation to help with community service projects. They have $28,700 to help train teachers to support the 8th graders work.

  • Willow Canyon High School has added Psychology HL, Physics HL, Dance HL, and Theatre HL. Additionall, since January, they have trained 11 of their DP teachers in person.

  • Millenium High School is very excited about their new Extended Essay process on campu. They have quarterly meetings with the DP students and supervisors to discuss and rubric the scaffolded assignments that lead up to the rough draft of the final essay. This process has increased communication, provided incremental supprot and established universal pacing and expectations. 

  • Tempe Academy of International Studies has an IB 101 class for 6th graders new to IB. Students are given specific content knowledge centered on their development of learner profile skills and ATL skills. Students develop games to educate their families to build a solid community of IB.

  • Desert Mountain High School had 83% of their students earn the IB Diploma!

  • Ironwood High School's Class of 2019 had a Flinn Scholar! Their Class of 2020 had a perfect ACT score. IB studnets are helping the Athletic Director by volunterring to clearn up the stadium after all home football games.

  • Verde Valley School had a recent IB DP grade (now a successful businesswoman) give them their largest gift to date. 3 million dollars to help them make their school even better!

  • Anthem K-8 implemented a wall-to-wall of MYP 6th-8th graders, and all but three of their teachers have been to IB training.

  • Kyrene Middle School is now authorized after 2 years of hard work (also 9 recommendations!)

  • Odyssey Institute is proud that all of their 2019 DP candidates received an IB Diploma. Their overall scores have improved by 4.6% and they had a 19% growth in tests taken from 2018-2019.

  • Westwood High School DP is proud od Naomi Sellers, a 2019 AZIBS DP Student of the Year!

  • Mesa Academy's National Academic League team became the national runner-up on March 25.

  • Coconino High School is sending six of their staff to IB training workshops this summer and has just been assigned a consultant to work with AND they had staff visit Chandler and Tempe High Schools for new perspectives.

  • North High School will have two presenters at the IB Americas conference in New Orleans in July! IB Coordinator Estaban Flemons and IB Theater teacher Sarah Moughtelin.

  • Cholla High School IB Theater students have recently returned from Chicago, visiting museums and attending plays in the Windy City. They had a blast!

  • Eduprize Valley School IB Visual Art Exhibit will be held in their brand-new Arts & Sports building!

  • Westwood High School NHD students are going to Washington, DC for the NHD finals. Westood would also like to congratualte Mrs. Reddy on a very successful first year as HOTA teacher!

  • Summer Academy had 20 students advance from Regionals to State finalists for National History Day! Three Summit Academy students placed 1st or 2nd and will compete in DC this summer at Nationals!

  • Kyrene Middle School won the Distinguished Contribution to Global Initiatives in Arizona for their work on Pennies for Peace, a service learning activity.

  • Singua Middle School began their journey to becoming an IB school on March 13, 2019 by launching MYP training at their school. The superintendent and several school board members came by to show their support.

  • Florence High School began their MYP candidacy year in partnership with Anthem K-8, and all of their teachers will be trained before September 1 so they can implement the program on a full level.

  • Odyseey Institute had 53% of their students complete the Personal Project!

  • Madison Meadows as four teachers traveling to Uganda this summer for a teacher exchange program! They will be working directly with teachers and students and experiencing some unique cultural activities. As they prepare to go, student council is collecting gently used school supplies which they will take with them to donate in Uganda.

  • Madison Simis 4th graders are getting into the thick of Exhibition. They are excited to allow for more student agency by allowing students to inquire within any theme. Students are ready to dive deeper into their passions!

  • Ironwood High School is proud of their Flinn Scholar and 2 National Merit Scholars for their class of 2019.

  • Ironwood High School has four DP students accepted to MIT! They also have two students with Military Academy appointments: West Point and the Air Force Academy.

  • Odyssey Institute MYP and PYP just had their highest completion rate at over 92% of sophomores completing the project.

  • North High School has a DP senior who was selected as a Questbridge College Match Scholarship. In the past 10 years, only two other NCHS students have received this scholarship!

  • Anthem K-8:  All Anthem math teachers will be going to training in February as well as their partner school FHS.

  • A Madison Meadows 5th grader researched the homeless situation in Phoenix and decided to collect water. He wrote a letter to the principal with his plan, he recorded a video announcement to share with students and reached out to his Tai Kwon Do studio for help. He will collect water for the homeless until the end of April!

  • North High School has 43 DP candidates this year!

  • Verde Valley School was recently ranked #15 on the list of Best Boarding Schools in the US by, which makes them the #1 boarding school in Arizona and the #1 IB boarding school in the US!!

  • Millennnium High School IB Senior Daphne Faber is a Flinn Scholarship finalist and Trinity Manuelito was accepted to MIT!

  • Odyssey Institute class of 2019 has adopted and implemented the Produc on Wheels Without Waste Program as a CAS project. This is a monthly program that brings in produce not purchased by stores for community members to purchase at a discounted cost. They organize, volunteer, set up, tear down and market the product. Thousands of pounds produce were served to 3,000 community members. Also Odyssey, DP film scholars are creating PSA to serve their community.

  • Westwood High School MYP History students will be helping the Mesa Southwest Museum to host an open-house at the Mesa Grande Cultural Center (a Hohokam archeological site) as historical re-enactors of people that have helped preserve the site over the last 150 years. (Save the date: February 23 from 10am-12pm)

  • Madison Simis parents are coming to share their culture at Culture Day. Students will learn, wonder, research and reflect after experiencing various cultures from the community! 

  • Willow Canyon High School Principal has committed to have 5-7 IB teachers attend IB training (this summer) to include Lit A, Lang & Lit A, ToK, Biology, Chemistry and 2 Math teachers!

  • EDUPRIZEl has twice as many students taking IB assessments this year as in the previous 2 years combined!

  • Mesa Academy recently celebrated their National Blue Ribbon Award. Students read short essays that focused on the Learner Profile and on the link between academic excellence and that fact that they are an IB MYP School. The icing on this celebratory cake was the reading of these essays, written and read by two students in Mandarin and Spanish!

  • Tempe Acadmey of International Studies just submitted their units for BQC! Over 1,600 pages of IB units, evaluations and summative! They also have a whole-school interdisciplinary project: Rube Goldberg machines.

  • Ironwood High School students have achieved: National Officer for FBLA, 2 Flinn finalists, 1 National Merit finalist and a 3-time national 1st place in Vocal Music.

  • IB Academy at Estrella Mountain MYP NJHS planned and executed a Leadership Day for all 6th-8th grade MYP students. The students were put into groups with a mix of 6th-8th graders who cooperated and completed Field Day events.

  • Florence High School alumnae Dane Zambrano and Rebecca Callahan are moving into graduate and professional studies programs in Europe. Alumnus Manolito Ramirez is entering a graduate program at ASU. FHS is gearing up to implement MYP. Their candidacy begins in March, and cohorts of teachers are traveling for their training.